The District Chief Executive of the Atiwa East District Assembly, Hon. Kwabena Panin Nkansah as part of his efforts to rally support for the development of the Atiwa East District, has been organizing various stakeholder engagements to engage residents on key policies, programmes and projects of the government as well as the Atiwa East District Assembly. One of such engagements was held with the chiefs and people of Ahankrasu on 4th October 2022 at the Ahankrasu Durbar Ground.

The DCE, Hon. Kwabena Panin Nkansah in his presentation said the local government system requires regularly meetings with key stakeholders in the various communities to ascertain their developmental needs and discuss how to address them. He said his visit was to let citizen know what is happening in the country and how government is responding to them. He said the world allover is going through economic challenges and Ghana being part of the global economy is experiencing its fair share of the crisis. Hon. Kwabena Panin Nkansah explained that that government is very much aware of the current economic challenges confronting the country and taking steps to address them. He said the current economic challenges facing the country is not limited to Ghana alone but as a result of a global economic crisis largely due to the covid-19 pandemic and the Russian-Ukraine war. According to him, most of the goods and services we consumed as a country are imported from other countries. The covid-19 pandemic which resulted in lockdowns, grounding of aircrafts and closure of borders affected the level of import of goods and services into the country resulting in the increase in prices of goods and services. As the president said on Friday 27th March, 2020 during his 4th update on Coronavirus measures he said ‘—- I dedicate myself to the service and wellbeing of you the Ghanaian people. It is my job to protect you and I am determined to do just that……I assure you that we know what to do to bring back our economy back to live. What we do not know how to do is bring people back to live”.  As a result of this commitment of the president Government spent a lot of money to protect its citizens from the pandemic. Electricity and supply of water was free for months. There was free distribution of PPEs and several other interventions to protect the lives of the citizens. All these have brought a huge cost to the government.  He added that the war in Ukraine has also caused the rising food and fuel prices. According to him, the war has disrupted trade in goods and services, reducing the flow of development financing into the country and causing reduction in government expenditure. He however, assured the community that government is doing its best to alleviate the effect of these challenges on its citizens and pleads with the gathering to be patient with the government. The DCE, Hon. Kwabena Panin Nkansah decry the attitude of some Ghanaians taking advantage of the current economic crisis to enrich themselves by charging exorbitant prices for goods and services. He pleads with Ghanaians to be considerate and support the government so that collectively we can overcome this economic challenges in the shortest possible time. He also urged the youth to be innovative and take advantage of the various government interventions in the areas of agriculture and skills training and development. 

The DCE added that in spite of the challenges government ensures that workers are paid their salary every month whiles many projects and programmes of the government continue to be executed across the country. Hon. Kwabena Panin Nkansah said government is currently constructing a 100-bed Trauma Hospital at Anyinam and a 40-bed Mother and Child Hospital at Enyiresi to help address the health needs of the people in the District. He also added a technical and a vocational School is being constructed at Anyinam to provide skills training to the youth in the District. He called on the community to support the Assembly in paying their rates and fees to help the Assembly executes its developmental projects and programmes in the District


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